Luna Moonfang - Moon Rider Range: 330 | Move Speed: 330 Primary: AGI Str: 15 + 1.9 | Agi: 22 + 2.8 | Int: 16 + 1.85 Damage: 43-49 | HP: 435 | Mana: 208 HP Regen: 0.7 | Mana Regen: 0.65 Attack Speed: 0.72 | Armor: 3 | Luna Moonfang is a stalwart and devout follower of the Moon Goddess, Elune. She fights alongside the Sentinel in the never-ending battle to cleanse the land of the unholy Scourge. Through her valiant efforts, she has been granted small portions of Elune's mystical power. Luna uses this gift to cut a swath through her enemies. It has been said that Luna is able to call down the very light of the moon, and is always surrounded by a glowing aura, as though in moonlight herself. Luna is a shining beacon for the Sentinel, an ever vigilant protector. |
Lucent Beam (C)
Luna concentrates on the moon's energy and channels it forcefully to the surface, damaging an enemy unit. Stuns for a short duration.
Level 1 - Deals 75 Damage, and a ministun.
Level 2 - Deals 150 Damage, and a ministun.
Level 3 - Deals 225 Damage, and a ministun.
Level 4 - Deals 300 Damage, and a ministun.
• Damage type: magical
• Posseses a mini-stun, allowing it to effectively interrupt the target.
• Casting range: 800
• Duration: 0.6 seconds
Mana Cost: 90/100/110/120
Cooldown: 6
Moon Glaive (G)
Allows Luna to attack extra enemies with each Glaive attack. Each enemy struck beyond the first incurs a 35% damage loss, per unit.
Level 1 - Bounces once.
Level 2 - Bounces twice.
Level 3 - Bounces three times.
Level 4 - Bounces four times.
• Luna's Attack does not function if she tries to attack a unit with any of the following: Maelstrom , Mjollnir , Sange , Sange & Yasha and Stygian Desolator.
• Moon Glaives take precedence over the following: Feedback (Diffusal Blade) and Cold Attack (Eye of Skadi).
• Area of Effect: 500
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Lunar Blessing (L)
Provides all nearby allied heroes with constant bonus damage as well as extra night vision for your hero.
Level 1 - Provides full night vision range for Moon Rider as well as +14 damage to nearby heroes
Level 2 - Provides full night vision range for Moon Rider as well as +20 damage to nearby heroes
Level 3 - Provides full night vision range for Moon Rider as well as +26 damage to nearby heroes
Level 4 - Provides full night vision range for Moon Rider as well as +32 damage to nearby heroes
• Area of Effect: 900
Mana Cost: N/A
Cooldown: N/A
Eclipse (E)
Calls on the moon's magic, summoning a multiple Lucent Beams to damage targets around Luna. Damage is based on the level of Lucent Beam. Turns day into night for 10 seconds. Can be improved by Aghanim's Scepter.
Level 1 - Summons 4 Lucent Beams. Each target can only be hit 4 (6*) times.
Level 2 - Summons 7 (8*) Lucent Beams. Each target can only be hit 4 (6*) times.
Level 3 - Summons 10 (12*) Lucent Beams. Each target can only be hit 4 (6*) times.
Mana Cost: 150/200/250
Cooldown: 160/150/140
• Damage type: magical
• Can be improved by Aghanim's Scepter (* shows the improved values).
• Beams deal damage based on the level of Lucent Beam (Eclipse will not deal damage if you did not learn Lucent Beam).
• Beams are released between intervals of 0.6 seconds.
• Beams will stop if Luna is killed.
• Unlike individual Lucent Beam casts, Eclipse Lucent Beams do not ministun.
• Will not hit invisible units.
• Area of Effect: 700
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