RIM released BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) 6 Thursday. Long a staple of the BlackBerry experience, BBM remains a strong platform with 45 million users, 70% of whom use it daily. This latest iteration of BBM adds a new social app layer to the messaging platform.
On supported apps, users will be able to utilize various BBM features within the app itself. While playing a game, for example, users can invite their BBM friends to join and continue to chat in real-time, all from within the app itself.
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Some of the apps that will support BBM 6 include: Foursquare, The Huffington Post, Wikitude, Telemap, Scoremobile and Poynt.
We can see how this social layer will be useful, especially for location-based applications. You can see how Foursquare will integrate BBM 6 with its app in this video:
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BBM continues to be the crown jewel of the BlackBerry experience. Applewill be forging its own iOS Centric Comunication Platform with iOS 5, but for now, BBM is in a class of its own.
Users can download BBM 6 today from the BlackBerry App World, along with several BBM connected apps. More of those apps are set to launch in the coming months.
What do you think of the way RIM is trying to socialize the app experience? Let us know in the comments.
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