Hi Guys,
Sekarang server Counter-Strike Lebay mempunyai server BaseBuilder dan server ini Pertama di Indonesia dan hanya di Lebay. :)
Untuk kalian yang belum tau BaseBuilder silahkan baca ini :- About -
Base builder zombie mod is an idea that totally warps the idea of a Half-Life zombie mod. If you're familiar with Counter-Strike Source zombie mods, then you are also aware of the physics which allows the user to essentially build his/her own barricade using couches and other objects laying around. Using this concept, I thought of moving this idea a step further and allow the user to create their own entire bases. After all, everyone likes to make their own maps. So why not let them?
Because every user is different and will like to build their own different styles of bases, every round is different. It is nearly impossible to recreate exact bases (unless the user has practiced significantly), so playing one map won't get too old too quickly.
- How it's Played -
Base Builder divides the round up into two important phases: the build phase and then the defend phase. During the build phase, the builders (CTs) must work as a team in order to build their own bases by looking at an object and holding down their "+use" key. The object will then turn a pure color become transparent. While the object is being grabbed, the user may move it by looking where he/she wants it to go. Additionally, players may use their left and right mouse buttons to push and pull the object respectfully.
When the user is satisfied with the objects new location, he/she can release their "+use" key and it will become a solid object again. Admins also have the unique ability to lock/unlock pieces from movement by typing "/lock" while looking at the object they want locked. This makes the selected object a solid color (representative of their personal color) and unmovable until it is unlocked. (See object locking for more info)
During the build phase, the zombies (Terrorists) wait and view the builders (CTs) bases for possible flaws and plan out their attack strategy. The zombies spawn area is typically split into two parts: the viewing area with a window to see the bases being built, and the spawn area with a "barrier" which is the door to enter the arena.
When the build phase ends, there is the option of a preparation phase occuring (See preparation phase for more info). Once the preparation phase ends, the defend phase begins. When this happens, the barrier will be removed and the zombies released to try and kill the survivors. The zombies only have a specified amount of time to kill the survivors (Determined by their mp_roundtime CVAR see CVARs for more info). The humans must defend their bases with an assortment of different weapons each being useful in their own way. If you die as a zombie, then you will respawn after X seconds to rejoin the fight. If you die as a survivor, you will either have wait until the round is over, or you will become "infected" and respawn as a zombie.
When the timer runs out and any survivors are alive, the round ends and the survivors win, and then the teams are swapped. If the survivors die beforehand, then the zombies win and the teams are swapped. Because of possible imbalances, players who survive the round will not stay as a builder, because everyone needs to get a chance.
Building bases can be fun! There are limitless possibilities. After spending countless hours testing and playing this modification, I have seen many differently-styled bases be quite successful. Typically, players stick building up, but occasionally someone will build a tunnel-style base. In my experience, ground bases work better then air bases.
Untuk yang masih penasaran silahkan lihat gameplay video nya.
Server BaseBuilder Lebay ada di IP Address dan Port :
Untuk player yang menemukan Bugs bisa laporkan di sub forum ini http://www.lebay.us/forumdisplay.php?f=660Selamat Bermain :)
Server CS BaseBuilder Pertama di Indonesia dan Hanya di Lebay
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hahah.. sesuatu yg gw tunggu" akhirnya muncul juga..
ah, tapi sekarang dah pada rusuh anak"nya dah nge-build bagus" eeh di ancurin -__- btw thx for info nya, bro
4 September 2011 pukul 15.57
sama" bro, lain kali mampir lagi bro.
4 September 2011 pukul 17.32
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